
常温零偏稳定性(10s,1σ)(°/h) ≤0.2
Room temperature bias stability (10s, 1σ) (°/h)
常温零偏稳定性(100s,1σ)(°/h) ≤0.05
Room temperature bias stability (100s, 1σ) (°/h)
变温零偏稳定性(100s,1σ,﹣40℃~﹢60℃)(º/h) ≤0.2
Variable temperature bias stability (100s, 1σ, -40℃~﹢60℃)
零偏重复性(1σ)(º/h) ≤0.1
Zero bias repeatability (1σ) (º/h)
标度因素非线性度(1σ)(ppm) ≤50
Scale factor nonlinearity (1σ) (ppm)
标度因素不对称度(1σ)(ppm) ≤50
Scale Factor Asymmetry (1σ) (ppm)
标度因数重复性(1σ)(ppm) ≤50
Scale factor repeatability (1σ) (ppm)
测量范围(º/s) ±600
Measuring range (º/s)
随机游走系数((º)/h½) ≤0.02
Random walk coefficient ((º)/h½)
带宽(Hz) ≥400
Bandwidth (Hz)
数据更新频率(Hz) 1000
Data update frequency (Hz)
供电电压(VDC) 5
Supply voltage (VDC)
稳态功耗(W) ≤4
Power consumption (W)
工作温度(℃) ﹣40~+60
Working temperature (℃)
贮存温度(℃) ﹣55~+85
Storage temperature (°C)
外形尺寸(mm) 50×50×37.5
Dimensions (mm)
重量(g) ≤150
Weight (g)


Note: Key parameters can be customized, welcome to inquire